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4G Square Nyarugenge, opposite Simba supermarket

4G Square, Opposite Mosque, Rubavu

4G Square, Opposite Ecobank, Rusizi
Step 1: Go to https://4glte.rw/
Step 2: Enter your 4G LTE Number and then click “Find 4G LTE no.
Step 3: Click on “Check Balance

Step 1: Go to https://4glte.rw/
Step 2: Enter your 4G LTE Number and then click “Find 4G LTE no.
Step 3: Click on “Check Balance
Step 4: Click on “Purchase History

It could be due to a number of reasons.

1. Please First check the total or daily consumption of the bundle, then the validity of your subscription. Please see FAQ [ How can i check my data consumption?] & [How can i check the validity of my subscription? ]

2. If they’re still active and valid, please reach out to our contact line for further support. You can also send us an email to support@piramie.ca.

3. IMPORTANT: Please provide us with your 4GLTE Number, the make and model of your 4G modem and a brief description of your problem.

Please click on the 4G Network coverage Map’s link below:

4G Network Coverage Map
Sorry, 4G sim cards are exclusively made for 4G internet service
On most Android phones, you can check that by going to your phone settings > Connections > Mobile Networks > Network Mode.
On most iOS phones, you can check that by going to your phone settings > Cellular Data Options > Voice & Data
After you have inserted your 4G simcard into your new modem, you can configure it by following the quick setup instruction guide that comes with your new modem.

You can basically power on your new modem and connect your laptop to the default wifi or use a network cable (Cat5) to connect your laptop to the modem. Once your have established the connection, open the browser on your laptop and type the IP address that can be found on the sticker or in the package box of your modem.

At this point, you can just follow the configuration instructions on the screen to complete the setup and start surfing the internet.

If you are not comfortable in completing this setup on your own, No worries, we are here to help.

Please take your modem and your laptop to one of our locations. Our Trained Support Reps will be happy to assist you.
If you are testing from your laptop or computer, open your browser and go to https://www.speedtest.net/ and run the speedtest.

If you are testing from your smartphone, download and install the Speedtest app by Ookla and run the speedtest.

Let us know how that goes for you.
Under optimal network coverage and high performance 4G device, the practical download speed can be up to 150 Mbps. And the practical upload speed can be up to 50Mbps
In simple terms, the lower your signal strength, the lower the bandwidth you’ll get over our 4G network. And when you have a lower bandwidth the speed of your surfing the internet or downloading becomes weaker. Hence, Signal strength may sometimes affects data transfer speed. A weaker signal strength may be due to interference caused by trees, buildings, weather, noise etc..).
Please contact us should you experienced signal strength degradation.

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